Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A place of our own

The Workers History Museum is pleased to announce that we have signed a one year office lease with Under One Roof. This is one more step forward for our museum. We encourage fans and members to stop by for a visit and a friendly hello.

Rosario Castro, UOR Office Manager and Barb Stewart, WHM Treasurer
Under One Roof is a collaborative workspace where diverse organizations can share, grow and thrive together. To learn more visit: http://underoneroof.ca/

Effective February 1, our new office address is… 

Workers' History Museum 
251 Bank Street, 2nd. floor
Ottawa, ON, K2P 1X3

Tel:  613.566.3448
Fax: 613.566.3449 

Please note that our mailing address will continue to be: 

Workers History Museum
P.O. Box 4461, Station E 
Ottawa, ON
K1S 5B4

Saturday, 26 January 2013

IMPORTANT: Email temporarily unavailable

Please note that the following email addresses will be temporarily unavailable for the next 7-10 days while we transfer our website and email accounts to a new host. Once this change is completed you may resume using the following addresses.


 In the meantime, should you need to contact us feel free to do so using the following temporary addresses:

General inquiries or WHM President: bobandgill@sympatico.ca
Exhibits and Education: whm.mho.exhibits@gmail.com
Fundraising and Membership: whmmhofm@gmail.com
Communications: whm.mho.comm@gmail.com

We thank you for your patience while we work on these technical improvements to our website and email accounts.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Songs of Work at the Log Drive Café

The Log Drive Café is an exciting new program at Abbotsford House featuring local folk musicians in a coffee house setting.

Celebrate an evening of folk songs covering a variety of topics all about work and making a living. Some songs were made to sing while working, others for the picket line. Some are celebratory, many are complaining, and a few were made to help mourn lives lost.

The Performers:

Maura Volante is a local singer of traditional folk songs, specializing in Canadian songs as well as those of the British Isles and U.S.A. Recent shows include Ballads & Sea Songs (November 2012), Colonel By Day (August 2012), and Canadian Songs at the Log Drive Café (June, 2012). Maura has been performing folk songs and teaching singing since the 1970s. Visit her blog Singing for Ourselves.

Ranald Thurgood is a singer, storyteller and folklorist, who specializes in Canadian material, but also sings songs of other countries. Recently featured with Maura in Ballads & Sea Songs and the Colonel By Day celebration, Ranald has performed and conducted workshops for many years.

Bob Hatfield, originally from Yorkshire, England sings not only songs of the “north country” but other places as well. He is active in the creation of the Workers’ History Museum in Ottawa.