Hello All,
First I want to send out a huge thanks to everyone who reads this blog, and shared the blog with their friends via email, word of mouth, facebook, and twitter. Because of your support the blog had 358 views in June! So keep up the sharing and hopefully that number will go up in July.
Second, I want to let you know about our email addresses and what information should be directed to what address. The new addresses are linked and their uses are explained below.
1) whm.mho@gmail.com - This is the generic email address for the Workers' History Museum. All general inquiries and information should be sent to this address.
2) whm.mho.comm@gmail.com - This is the email address for the Communications Committee. Any inquiries and information concerning the website (future website), blog, facebook and twitter accounts, newsletter, and promotional material about the museum should be sent to this address.
3) whm.mho.exhibits@gmail.com - This is the email address for the Exhibits and Education Committee. Any inquiries and information concerning exhibitions (both current and suggestions for future exhibits), public programming, walking tours, school programs, oral history programs, public information/promotional days (eg. Col. By Day, Heritage Day, Labour day, etc) should be sent to this address.
4) whmmhofm@gmail.com - This is the email address for the Fundraising and Membership Committee. Any inquiries about becoming a member of the museum, or about fundraising initiatives should be sent to this address.
That's it for now, and thanks again for your support!
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